Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 4- sprint tri training

Team Maven,
less than two weeks to go!!  We're almost there. 


warm-up: yes, again- 25 yds with focus on relaxing and keeping body close to the surface of water (you should be looking down at the bottom of the pool with head in neutral and feel for your hips rising to the surface). Repeat 6x and rest for 30 seconds between each length of the pool.  If you can relax your neck to stay in neutral and keep your shoulders and hips up near the surface of the water, you're improving in your basics.

Pre-set: 25 x 4 with 1 min rest between sets
main set: 4x 75 yds with a 1 minute rest between each set.
cool down: 25 x 4 (repeat wm-up above).

warm-up: 10 minutes with emphasis on pedal stroke.  Easy gear (small gear in front, larger gear in the back)
Main set: 60 minutes- sustain aerobic zone pace (click on link).
cooldown: 10 minutes- bring heart rate down to 90-100 beats/minute


By now, your tolerance to run-walk will enable you to handle repeats of

a mile. 
Tip:  run with "quiet" feet.  Avoid stomping or pounding on the asphalt, which can be damaging to your knees, ankles, hips, and lower back.

Keep your cadence, regardless of speed, between 92-96 steps/minute.

15 min fast walk warm-up.
Main set:
Run 1 mile x 3 with 3 min walk recovery between each mile (recovery means
you can either stop and rest or just walk for a determined rest duration. In this workout, walk easy for 3 minutes before you continue to the next mile).  If you need less or no time to recover, great!

Cross training:
Perform as many rounds as possible ("AMRAP") in 15 minutes of the following:
10 push ups, run in place for two minutes (again, light on your feet)
10 squats, run in place for two minutes

10 cross-fit sit ups, run in place for two minutes

warm-up: Swim 25 yds with focus on relaxing and keeping body close to surface of water.  (Keep your head in neutral.  Any time you raise your head/eyes to look ahead, you increase drag from your legs). 
Repeat 6x and rest for 30 seconds between each length of the pool.
main set: 6x 75 yds (first 25 yds slow, second 25 yds moderate pace, second 25 yds slow) with a 30 second rest between each set.
cool down: 25 x 4 (repeat wm-up above).

warm-up: 10 minutes with emphasis on pedal stroke.  Avoid "mashing" the pedals (pushing down hard). You want to maintain an even, circular motion.
Main set: 60 minutes- build up to aerobic zone pace (click on link) at your own pace.  Try to find a route with a few hills on the course for the extra challenge (but, remember to switch to an easier gear while STAYING SEATED ON THE SADDLE!  Standing up decreases your efficiency on the ride and will make you more tired sooner! It should be your last resort if you absolutely can't pedal while on the saddle)
cooldown: 10 minutes- bring heart rate down to 90-100 beats/minute

BRICK Workout (bike-run):

Warm-up: (15 burpees, 15 jumping jacks, 15 squats, 15 mountain climbers) x 3
Main set:
Bike 15 minutes, run/jog 1 mile.  Repeat 3-4 times.   Feeling stiffness and awkwardness in the legs is very normal when you transition to the run!


Why so early???  We're practicing race day simulation.  
The race starts at 7am.  You will have to get to the race by
5:30 am to start setting up and such (which means, you'll be
up ~4/4:30 am), so you need to practice what it feels like to
be up at those hours if you want to have an ideal race
(also figure, you'll have to have a little breakfast and take care
of toilet business as well before coming to the race!)

If you're on relay, it's still a good idea to come out early since
you'll have to get your race tags, timing chips, goodie bags,
and registration confirmed any way.
Bike: 5:45-6:45 am.
We will be starting on time.  PROMISE. Get your directions set
and your tires pumped beforehand!
If you are not present or ready to start, you can either attempt
to follow the course map yourself or
wait for us on one of the go-arounds since we will be doing multiple repeats
that hour to get a feel for the course.
AND, you can still make it over to Mavenaction bootcamp!

Run: 7:00-7:45 course run through (most likely, one run through)
If you want to run it earlier so that you can make it to Mavenaction
bootcamp, go for it! 
Transition clinic: 7:45-8:15 (Most relevant to the individual triathletes)
We'll review how to set up your transition area.
1 large and 1 small towel
bike cleats
bike helmet
baby powder
Gu gel
filled water bottle(s)

Sunday- active recovery- choose one of the following single sport activities:
swim: 30 minutes (combo of deep water running or easy treading water)
bike: 45 minutes (easy gear)
run: 45 minutes (easy pace, 8 min jog/1 min walk)

Monday- Rest