Oh man, my knee has been hurting. Sorry to say that unlike my business partner, Dr. Taylor Lee, who had a 24 hour "miraculous recovery" from his debilitating shoulder pain a few weeks back (check out Taylor's blog- www.jatofitness.blogspot.com), I am still suffering...3 months later. Oh, Lordyyyy.
Yes, even the most invincible and careful DPTs may succumb to injuries. During my first 15k last November, I felt a little stiffness/pain in my knee during the last 3 miles of the race, but of course, I was stubborn and decided to bite the bullet and persevere....well, I was rewarded for my tenacity; let's just say that my L knee has not been the same since. I'm my own best patient.
My symptoms? Pain on the outside of the knee when I run...and only when I run! I can skip, jump off of a plyo box, perform deep squats, jump in place on one leg, do knee extensions, heel raises, BUT, running more than 1/2 a mile causes my knee to really, really hurt. Yeah, I guess Runner's knee (IT band syndrome) may be the working diagnosis, but I'm not so convinced that it is. I'm gonna have my associate, Dr. Murphy, and my graduate student Bhairvi, take a closer look. As good as I am a physical therapist, I can't always treat my own body!
Knee injuries are rampant among runners. Meniscus injuries, patellofemoral syndrome, muscle strains, Achilles tendonitis and tears are just a few of my favorite things to treat. Most of these are biomechanically-driven, ie., the way you run is causing stress to structures over time.
I feel thwarted, and frankly, a bit frustrated, as even with active rest, I have not been able to run without pain...I hope it's not a sign that I'm actually getting...OLDer or WORSE yet, that I won't be able to complete, let alone just compete in my triathlons this year. = (
What a way to start of the new year.....Stay tuned.